Thursday, December 22, 2011


Breed Description The Norfolk Terrier, game and hardy, with expressive dropped ears, is one of the smallest of the working terriers.  It is active and compact, free-moving, with good substance and bone.  With it's natural, weather-resistant coat and short legs, it is a "perfect demon" in the field. This versatile, agreeable breed can go to ground, bolt a fox and tackle and dispatch other small vermin, working alone or with a pack.
Appearance/Size Average size of male:Ht: 9-10, Wt: 11-12. Average size of female:Ht: 9-10, Wt: 11-12Diet Norfolk terriers are not picky eaters. You can give them regular dof food. Avoid giving sweets because it can lead to sickness or even death. Norfolk Terriers have a good appetite but are small so dont eat alot.

Temperament -  Feisty, bold, inquisitive, game, scrappy, stubborn and independent, the Norfolk is all terrier. She has been called a "demon" in the field, and she loves to hunt, dig and investigate. She must be exercised in a safe area. SHe is clever and amiable but strong-willed.
Shedding Norfolk terriers have a double coat; a soft, downy undercoat and a hard top coat. Any double-coated dog sheds, but shedding can be minimized with proper grooming

Health/Allergies/Vaccines – Norfolk terriers are generally healthy. A good diet, proper weight, plenty of exercise, regular grooming and routine veterinary care should keep a Norfolk in good health. One of the reasons Norfolk terriers are fairly healthy breeds is years of concerned, responsible breeding. Conscientious breeders screen for mitral valve disease, patella, and CERF (eyes).

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


I picked this article because the story caught my eye. I always knew that cats could leap and jump high and land but eleven stories? Wow, this is amazing. One of the figurative language is imagery. I get an image in my head when I read, "A long-haired, 10-year-old house cat, Baxter had just moved into a downtown Seattle high-rise in early October, when his owners cracked open the windows without realizing there were no screens. The cat nudged a window open, stepped onto a ledge and fell." I know its not a pretty picture to invision but I pictured Baxster hopping on the ledge. Another example of figurative language is hyperbole. The sentence, "The latest famous feline to emerge is Baxter, a Seattle cat who fell from an 11th-story window, survived, and is now back to "running and jumping," says his owner. It is a hyperbole because no cat can fall from that high and then be running and jumping. The cat that actually fell was hospitalized. The third figurative language is cliches. The story has a cliche, "amazingly Baxter still has 8 lives after his plunge.." This goes with the cliche a cat has nine lives. The most obvious form of figurative language is personification, which is used through out the story. The author makes it seem like the cat Baxter is a human. Baxter even got an award for surviving such a huge fall.

Friday, December 16, 2011

137 Poetry Prompt

"Love Poem Number 137"
By: Kylee Nicklas
Poem For my dad

Everyday she waits for him
For him to walk through the door
For him to open his arms wide like a birds
And hug her until she can barely breath
As his stubble sharp like prickers rubs against her cheeks
She smiles and hugs him back
Taking in the scent of cologne

Everyday he works hard to support his family
He would do anything for his family
He would take a bullet for his daughter
And she would take one for him

Every day as the clock hits 5 the door flings open
One day there will be a new toy for her to play with
Another will be a souvenir he brought her from a business trip
And other days the hug will be the greatest present of all

He goes through so much and is yet so calm
People look at them and see the resemblence
They are like twins who do everything together
Shes the comedian of the family and hes her audience
The only one that laughs at her jokes

And when they go through a tough time
They have two shoulders for you to cry on
Gentle hands to sooth you
And a heart that radiates love

Love is the rope that holds them together
It can rip and tear
But it can never snap

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


  The lights appeared out of the darkness. They were in fact looking for me. This was my only chance for survival. I had to escape. I ran as fast as I could to the door. I couldn't hear anything but my helpless panting and heart beating. The hallway was long and narrow, like a never ending maze. I ran as if I were in a marathon and that my life depended on getting to the finish line. But my life did depend on this. I was running from my capturer's and they were chasing me. It was dark all around me. All I could see were their flashlights and the big, bright, red letters on top of the door at the end reading EXIT. I had to think fast. I thought to myself after all those years of watching Murderers on T.V who would of thought I would be the one running? Running to meet my friends, my family, running to save myself from the lights chasing me. But as my footsteps thumped on the hard tile ground I could hear the other footsteps getting closer. They were closing in on me. Then out of my peripheral view I saw two more lights appear out of the darkness in front of me. I was trapped. There was no way out. My arms grew goosbumps as I stopped running. My legs felt like noodles as I layed on the floor helplessly. I thought to myself, was this the end? I brought my hands up to my face to cover my eyes from the horror. As I pulled them up I felt something beneath me. It was a door. My eyes widened like a deer in front of headlights. I grasped the handle carefully not knowing what was beneath. I imagined it was a portal to my family. But I was no where near that. I took a deep breath as the lights came toward me. My ice cold hands trembled as i gingerly opened the vault of wonders....

My T-Shirt Vote

Thursday, December 8, 2011

M=Mexico City

I have always wanted to go to Mexico I think it's interesting to see their museums compared to ours and their architecture and their history. In Mexico City you can go on a tour that is six hours long and you can see alot of monuments and things in Mexico City. One of the places is the Mexico City Cathedralthat was created by Francisco Diez.You can also visit the Metropolitan Cathedral, the largest church in Latin America!
You can also
Stroll through Chapultepec Park and see its various attractions. It's very beautiful!
if your not into the outdoors and your a history buff you can visit the National Palace and the Museum of Anthropology.

Another place is the Basilica de Guadalupe: The second most visited Catholic site in the world, after the Vatican, is a gigantic complex that will help you understand more about Mexico’s culture, religion, and people!
Another good history place is the Chapultepec Castle: The Castle in Chapultepec is a great place to visit. It’s where Maximilian lived while he was emperor of Mexico.
The next stop in your visit can be Xochimilco – sort of like Mexico’s Venice, it’s a great place to experience traditional Mexico City.
The last place you can visit is The Zocalo. The Zocalo, one of the largest squares in the world, is the heart of Mexico City, built right over the center of the ancient Aztec city of Tenochtitlan. Aside from the awe-inspiring ruins, there are several terrific colonial buildings, including the Palacio National, and works by Diego Rivera.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


For pet-owners, holiday plans revolve around pets

I chose the editorial called, "For pet-owners, holiday plans revolve around pets." I chose this because I love animals and I was interested in the article. The point of view of animal lovers in this article is that Christmas is a time for not just family and friends but for pets! One lady in the article said she is going to take her dog to see the light displays!" Highlights for the 3-year-old cocker spaniel and his owner Carol Bryant, of Forty Fort, Pa., include a couple of car trips to look at light displays." This lady was basically telling the writer that her dog was going to have a huge Christmas with lots of presents and luxuries that we as hummans would do. "Dexter will host a party. His best friend, a golden cocker named Bailey, will host a party." She treats her dog almost as if it were an actual person. Carol Bryant, the speaker in the article claims that her dog loves being pampered and that he loves light shows! "He especially likes the animation and wags his tail!" Carol is so into her dog and his necessities that she has facebook pages and blogs and Christmas cards with her dog posing in different outfits. Carol told the writer, she "hung Dexter's personalized stocking with care. He'll spend Christmas Eve in pajamas and a bathrobe with ducks on it. He will look his brown-and-white best because of a holiday trip to the groomer, and he will dine on lean boiled turkey on Christmas Day." When people wonder how someone can spend so much on a dog Carol says, "It seems many pet owners have accepted that their pets are like children and they enjoy indulging their pet more than ever. It is easier for pet owners to spend on their pets than other relationships in their lives because pets have no expectations." I'm a huge petlover and would love to buy a dog toys and give it fancy food. But I'm not as extreme as Carol. I think her voice in the article speaks to those that do not have children and have pets that are basically their only companion or thier close friend. Carol speaks out about how Tiffany and co. is even starting to create dog lover jewelry and dog bone charms!


Sunday, December 4, 2011

Spiral Poetry Prompt - Write a poem about something that "spirals"- Tornado

Gushing wind blowing around and around
Eyes widening as it comes toward you
The roots of trees cry as they leave the ground
Theres nothing but dust, debris, and destruction

It has no control
As it eats our homes, our businesses, and our state of mind
It leaves us dirty, with no food and water
No where to sleep at night
The destruction it leaves in our hearts
Knowing that our family is gone

The spiraling destruction that was sent from the sky
Cannot be stopped
Not even god can take it away
And after the destruction is done
We are left to pick up the pieces
And we have to realize that it was not a nightmare...
But reality

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Creativity Breeds Creativity

I think that sidewalk art is very creative. It's basically creating an image with chalk on the road and making it look three dimensional.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Famous Poem Starts #5

"But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep"
From :Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening by Robert Frost
I not only chose this line becauser of the meaning but Robert Frost is one of my favorite poets. I love how he describes snow and the scenery he sees in his poems. They capture not only what they look like but the emotions felt by the person seeing the pictures. I love this line because it shows me devotion. It feels to me that the person is devoted to reaching their destination no matter how weak or tired they are. I think the lines aren't the normal snowy day poems where it talks about white fluff and being cold but it's something more. It's different and unique. It also reminds me of Little Red Riding Hood for some reason because she traveled through the woods and was determined to get to her grandmothers house.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Opinion Prompt #5

Opinion Prompt 5. No car means less choice in how to conduct your life

I completly disagree with this statement. I mean yes, if you don't have a car you can be limited in travel but it shouldn't "conduct your life." Many people that are unemployed say that one of the reasons they cannot work is because they can't afford a car to drive there. There are many people living in poverty and my perspective is don't rely on advanced technology. Back then people had to work just like you and in order to get there they rode bikes, walked, or other means of transportation. If you have barely any money you could take a bus! A car should not limit your choices in life! Another theory people believe is that if you have no car then you can't meet anyone or travel anywhere. Now it seems like an obvious statement, but in depth it means without a car how can you go to stores for food, or meet people on a date? Some people may think that without a car you cant do these things! But you can! America is overweight and we need to get our lazy butts up and walk! This concludes that not having a car doesn't affect how to conduct your life.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


This article talks about the Vikings vs. Packers game. On sunday the Packers played the Vikings and did not obtain themselves. They fought hard and demolished the Vikings. The final score was 45-7. Thats unbelievable for the Packers and it makes their count 9 wins and 0 losses. They are the only undefeated team in the NFL! I think this articles intended audience is for sport fanatics. In more depth, the Packers! I'm a Patriots fan and whenever they win I go ballistic. Especially if they shutdown a team 45-7! So if I was a Packers fan and I saw this article I would be interested. I can tell this because, for one the title of the article is "The Packers blast the Vikings" with a picture of a hurd of Packer players tackleing a Packers player. "Rodgers threw four touchdown passes, Randall Cobb returned a punt 80 yards for a touchdown and the Packers defense contained Adrian Peterson and the Minesota Vikings in a 45-7 victory on Monday night." What packers fan wouldn't be excited about that?! This article is very interesting to not only Packers fans but for Vikings as well. It's a sports related article, so if theres someone into sports then this might appeal to them.  As one of the people's reading this article the storys tone is excitement. "It's (our) best game, because of the margin of victory," Packers coach Mike McCarthy said. "And at the end of the day its all about points." The statement, ""Owed it to our fans, our team." shows that the article is intended for fans.

I Want to Write about #86

The last time I saw the ocean was when my family and I went to Wildwood in the summer of 2010. It was so beautiful there and it was nice to get away from New York and go to an oasis in New Jersey. I personally love New Jersey. What's there not to love? I mean in Wildwood your surrounded by entertainment and its impossible to to relax. The boardwalk and the ocean are my two favorite things there. I love to play games on the boardwalk and ride the rollercoasters and ferris wheel. But im a huge water lover. I love to boogie board in the ocean and I would like to learn how to surf one day. The only bad part is when a giant wave comes and topples you and you summersault in the ocean, water going through your nose. But the best part about it is when you catch a wave and feel the breeze through your hair. The smell of salt fills your nose and the sun burning down on your skin is amazing. I mean I know the sun isnt good but the heat adds to the intensity of the "sport." I go to Wildwood every year with my family now and I always look forward to swimming in the ocean.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Good time to pine for a cone

When we talk "pine" cones, it includes them all and today that's just what we are gabbing about ... conifer, aka, "pine" cones.
conifer- is a plant that bears cones                             Gabbing- talking or chatting
nature's exceptions of the tamarack and larch in our area, which loose their needles in autumn.
larch- Any confirious tree of the genus Larix,yielding a tough durable wood.
Tamarack- an American larch, Larix laricina,of the pine family, having a reddish bark and crowded clusters of blue-green needles and yielding a useful timber.
 A conifer is classified as monoecious
monoecious- means it has separate male and female flowers on the same plant
powdery haze that coated your car
haze- obscure                 coated-covered
Other opportunities for dispersal involve small animals, such as squirrels and chipmunks, who by gnawing on the cones
dispersal- spreading              gnawing-to bite or chew
This article talks about pine cones and their origin. It also explains how there are a lot of them this season and it tells you a bunch of ways you can decorate things with them and that pine cones can be cooked. It also talks about how pine cones are formed and what trees they come from. This is a very interesting article that explains pine cones and how animals need them. I learned that in a certain area pine cones can weigh up to ten pounds! In Oregon they can go up to 24 inches long! Thats huge for a pine cone.I learned that the pieces of pine cones are actually seeds and if you cook them you can eat it. I also learned that there are male and female flowers and plants. Each one produces/has different qualities. The last thing I learned was that there are over 500 types of pine cones. They all look the same to me but really they are all different. It's interesting to learn about nature and the world. I think the tone of this piece is calm and nature. The author says that pinecones are, "one of autumns trademarks." The article is peaceful and talks about how, "the blowing wind moves pollen through the air." Nature is our home and is a very peaceful place to not only animals but us as well.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

I chose this article because it wasn’t your typical story. It’s not about a burglary or a shooting. It’s about a man named Chad Brothers who gets very angry at the gym and starts to be destructive and harm others. "
An officer was called to the Troy-Schenectady Road gym. Meanwhile, Brothers, who police described as 6 feet 1, about 230 pounds and very muscular, pushed over several universal weight machines, each weighing about 700 pounds. Brothers destroyed a display case and threw 45-pound dumbbells." Now this is just crazy. If this man was so angry he could have punched a punching bag a couple of times. But throwing 700 pound equipment across the room is just absurd. Eventually, "A female police officer arrived and ordered Brothers to stand down, but Brothers threw boxes at her. She discharged a Taser at him, which latched to his chest and upper leg, Heider said. The Taser brought Brothers to the ground ,and as the officer was putting him in handcuffs, Heider said, Brothers stood up with the officer on his back." It took three more tasers to take down the man. The guy is almost like an animal, running through the gym throwing things and punching people. The story gets worse form there because after police tazed the man 5 times he went into cardiac arrest. A single shock from a Taser can contain up to 50,000 volts of electricity.
"The officers and a gym patron -- an off-duty firefighter -- began CPR and attached a defibrillator before the arrival of emergency medical personnel, Heider said. Brothers was still breathing and alive, so the defibrillator did not administer a shock, he said. Brothers was pronounced dead when he arrived at 7:14 a.m. Now either this guy waited too long for an elliptical or he was obviously on self enhanced drugs.
I thought this was very interesting and it shocked me to see what drugs can do to us. It's amazing to see what our body can do when drugs take over. Right now the police officers are being questioned because the man died and people are questioning if they used too much force. But in my opinion if I had a giant man coming at me who had muscles the size of Texas I would do whatever it took to take him down without any more people getting hurt. I wouldn’t have used 5 tazer bullets, but I would have used force.


I chose this article because it wasn’t your typical story. It’s not about a burglary or a shooting. It’s about a man named Chad Brothers who gets very angry at the gym and starts to be destructive and harm others. "
An officer was called to the Troy-Schenectady Road gym. Meanwhile, Brothers, who police described as 6 feet 1, about 230 pounds and very muscular, pushed over several universal weight machines, each weighing about 700 pounds. Brothers destroyed a display case and threw 45-pound dumbbells." Now this is just crazy. If this man was so angry he could have punched a punching bag a couple of times. But throwing 700 pound equipment across the room is just absurd. Eventually, "A female police officer arrived and ordered Brothers to stand down, but Brothers threw boxes at her. She discharged a Taser at him, which latched to his chest and upper leg, Heider said. The Taser brought Brothers to the ground ,and as the officer was putting him in handcuffs, Heider said, Brothers stood up with the officer on his back." It took three more tasers to take down the man. The guy is almost like an animal, running through the gym throwing things and punching people. The story gets worse form there because after police tazed the man 5 times he went into cardiac arrest. A single shock from a Taser can contain up to 50,000 volts of electricity.
"The officers and a gym patron -- an off-duty firefighter -- began CPR and attached a defibrillator before the arrival of emergency medical personnel, Heider said. Brothers was still breathing and alive, so the defibrillator did not administer a shock, he said. Brothers was pronounced dead when he arrived at 7:14 a.m. Now either this guy waited too long for an elliptical or he was obviously on self enhanced drugs.
I thought this was very interesting and it shocked me to see what drugs can do to us. It's amazing to see what our body can do when drugs take over. Right now the police officers are being questioned because the man died and people are questioning if they used too much force. But in my opinion if I had a giant man coming at me who had muscles the size of Texas I would do whatever it took to take him down without any more people getting hurt. I wouldn’t have used 5 tazer bullets, but I would have used force.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Perfection is imperfect

I chose the proverb, "Perfection is imperfect" because I agreed with the statement. Nobody is perfect and everybody makes mistakes. That is why you can’t have perfection without imperfection. If you hand in an essay it’s not perfect. There's always room to add more and improve. In life nobody’s perfect. Everybody makes mistakes and has imperfections. No one can be perfect or society would be boring and life would be bland. Also characteristics would fade. There would be no clumsy or dorky people. Everybody would look the same, having a perfect figure and face. I’m not saying it’s impossible to get something to be perfect because it is possible. But with perfection there comes imperfection. Take this for example, if someone wanted to win an entire basketball season with no losses it seems to be reasonable. With a little teamwork and strategy, you could do it. But what if you were to say, someone wanted to win an entire basketball season for five years in a row? Now that’s just unreasonable. It's possible, but very unlikely to happen. I’m not going off on a tangent. You see if someone wants to have a perfect season and beat every team then those other teams are going to want to win back and beat them. Within time the team is bound to loose eventually which you can say is imperfect. That concludes that in perfection there comes imperfection.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011








Monday, October 24, 2011

Love You Forever

Love You Forever

Oh my god I love this book!!! My mom used to read me this book as a child. Before I went to sleep my mom always read to me and this is one of the books she read. The book starts off with a mother holding her child and telling him that she will love him forever. Then as the story progresses the child gets older and older. In every stage or year that he gets older in the book, it shows a picture of him doing something destructive. In one picture he is a teenager and he spills soda all over if I remember right. And the mother repeats the saying, "I'll love you forever." Even when the boy is all grown up and out of the house she climbs through his window and rocks him in her arms. My favorite part is the end because the boy grows up and is an adult and his mom can't really hold him. Instead of her cradling her son, her son is cradling her. He cradles her and says "I'll love you forever." This book was really good and as a child it reminded me of my mother and I and when she rocked me to sleep. Even to this day my mom still says, "I'll love you forever."
Its a book that tells you a moms love for her children is eternal.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

L= Logan college Of Chiropractic University Programs

Five things that make you WANT to go:
1. Logan prepares students to enter the health care marketplace with all the requisite knowledge and skills required to become successful Doctors of Chiropractic
2. Logan has two master programs, a Master of Science in Sports Science and Rehabilitation, and a Master of Science in Nutrition and Human Performance
3. Logan has many sports for girls such as basketball and running which I enjoy doing.
4.Logan is one of the largest chiropractic colleges in North America with about 1,100 students
5. Logan offers Merit Scholarships
6. I want to be a chiropractor so this college is appealing to me
Three things that are NOT appealing
1. It is in St. Louis
2. Doesn't have housing on Campus and the college is in St. Louis so thats not good.
3. The apartments there are really expensive and I would have to find a job down there

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

TU Tuesday

This article is about how a couple of  high school students named Vincent Uzzo, Chad Sandercox, Robert jacon, and Patrick Chamberlain took part in a bad fight and beat students from an opposing high school. All three boys attend troy High Scool and pleaded not guilty. After going to court the judge told Vincent Uzzo that he should be ashamed of what he did because it puts a bad reoputation on his school. Uzzo beat a kid with a tree branch. "LeRoux suffered a concussion and Marchese suffered a broken jaw after getting hit with the tree branch." The boys beat up students from Catholic Central high School. The two main victims were Anthony M. Marchese, 18, and jack LeRoux, 17, who both were put in the hospital after the event. The fight started because one student from Troy named Robert Jacon offered Vincent Uzzo twenty dollars to hit the student. "Did someone in the crowd offer you $20 to hit him?" Rensselaer County Judge Robert Jacon asked, Uzzo nodded his head and said "yes." I thought that the punishment recieved was actually fair.
"Uzzo pleaded guilty to second-degree attempted gang assault and will be sentenced to 90 days in jail and five years probation." The article said, "Uzzo will serve the time during the summer break, Jacon said, reminding him that he must not violate probation or he could face 2 1/3 to 7 years in state prison." I think that by giving him a punishment such as that it is teaching him that not only was it wrong but its a crime, even for a student his age. Usually when kids bully other kids in school the consequence is limited to a suspension or being expelled. It gives me a good feeling to know that those kids were punished for their actions. I think it affects me because I often see my brother getting bullied and our school doesnt take car of it. because kids dont want to be the stool pigioen and tell the principal or a teacher. Vincent Uzzo wasnt the only one who got in trouble for the event.  "Stephaun Grinage, 18, and Patrick Chamberlain,17, each pleaded guilty to the same charge. They faces a sentences of five years probation. Grinage also was sentenced to 20 days on the sheriff's work order program." After reading this article I began to have many questions:
1. Did the boys from Catholic Central High School fight back?
2. Did any of the students from Troy get hurt or injured?
3. Did the students have anything on each other or already have tension between one another?
4. Do the students who did it regret what they did or see that they were wrong?
5. How did the school react to such a horendous event?

Sunday, October 16, 2011

"Howard Roark laughed." - The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand

Howard Roark laughed at me as the kids on the playground hit me. Howard was the schools biggest bully. He was plump and dirty and always had an evil grin on his face. Every kid in my second grade class was afraid of him, especially me. But one day everything changed. I was sitting on the swing set when all of the sudden a hefty voice from above said, "Josh that's my swing set." My eyes opened the farthest they could go and I didn't know what to say. Then before I knew it every kid had turned and was starring at Howard and I. There were a million things going on inside my head. Should I give Howard the swing set or not? I looked at Howard and said, "No Howard I was here first." Howard's face turned red like a tomato and before I knew it he was coming after me. With a whole audience of second graders watching I had to think fast. I was still on my swing set and I had a plan. I kicked off with my feet and began to sway slightly. My feet felt like they were on fire but I kept on going. When Howard came close enough I lunged at him with full force off the swing set. I landed right on him as he fell to the ground. All of a sudden the teacher peered around the corner. I quickly went back to the swing set and acted natural. When the teacher found Howard on the ground crying that I had jumped on him the teacher took him to the nurse and me to the principals. That day I got a phone call home saying what I had done. My parents grounded me for a week. I was scared about the next day at school. I was at my desk when Howard walked up to me and said, "I didn't know you were that tough Josh. I'm sorry that I was mean to you." Those words coming out of Howard's mouth was music to my ears. That day every kid that walked by me said hi and I felt great. Although I was grounded for a week the glory of being the schools hero would last a lifetime.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Vintage Photo

Here for your consideration is an aesthetic picture of a Hupa Mother and Baby in a Three-quarter Length Portrait. It was created in 1923 by Edward S. Curtis.

The photograph presents a touching image of this Mother and Child. There is a look of pride in this woman's eye as she gazes at this child.



I chose this picture because it made me think a little. I was amazed at how back in the 1920's the skill they had and the things they made are so amazing. It shocked me when I thought to myself that a woman hand wove that baby basket and didn't just go to a convenient store like us to buy one. Back then they didn't have much and they used everything they had around them, especially the Indians. Just by looking at the mother's hat I can tell that she made that too. I don't see any flaws in stitching which is very amazing to me. Everything from her babys basket to her necklace and clothes all look like their hand made. I think to myself how long did it take to make a baby's basket? So I fulfilled my curiosity by looking up the answer. I found that there is no exact time because everyone has different skills but I found that they used pine needles to weave twigs and other materials found. Imagine taking a pine needle and trying to weave a basket with it. It seems crazy to me. I also chose this picture because it made me feel fuzzy inside. The look the mom is giving to her daughter reminds me of my mother and I.

Friday, October 7, 2011


A flower stands tall
But loses petals and then
grows and blossoms again

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Poetry 180



David Berman

Walking through a field with my little brother Seth
I pointed to a place where kids had made angels in the snow.
For some reason, I told him that a troop of angels
had been shot and dissolved when they hit the ground.
He asked who had shot them and I said a farmer.

Then we were on the roof of the lake.
The ice looked like a photograph of water.
Why he asked. Why did he shoot them.
I didn't know where I was going with this.
They were on his property, I said.

When it's snowing, the outdoors seem like a room.
Today I traded hellos with my neighbor.
Our voices hung close in the new acoustics.
A room with the walls blasted to shreds and falling.
We returned to our shoveling, working side by side in silence.

But why were they on his property, he asked.

I think this poem is really good and it reminds me of my brother and I. I would always ask my brother about things and he would make up stories. I think this poems main idea or control is conflict can lead to distress. The examples is in the poem it talks about how a troop of angels were shot because they went on the farmer's property. The writer David uses a lot of literary devices. One thing he uses is similes. An example is, "the outdoors seem like a room." Another example is, "The ice looked like a photograph of water." I really like this simile. Instead of saying that he sees his reflection he says the ice looks like a photograph on water. The writer also uses many metaphors. One example is when the boy tells his brother Seth that there was a troop of angels that dissolved into the snow. I think the most powerful lines are:
Today I traded hellos with my neighbor.
Our voices hung close in the new acoustics.
A room with the walls blasted to shreds and falling.

I really like this stanza and part from the poem because in my opinion it explains how getting to know someone or resolving conflict can bring peace but causing conflict or not getting to know someone can lead to harm or distress.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Opinion Prompt 4 – You should avoid using plastic bags!

I agree with the prompt, "You should avoid using plastic bags" because it's bad for the environment. Have you ever driven on a highway or walked down the street and have seen a plastic bag flying through the air or just laying around? I have seen this situation many times before. I am a very eco friendly person and my family recycles and tries to avoid things that can be harmful to the environment. My parents buy special bags from Wal-Mart for grocery shopping and they use lunch boxes so they can avoid using paper or plastic bags. I agree with the statement because plastic bags are biodegradable. A biodegradable object is an object that causes degradation based on biological activity. Plastic bags not only make our environment bad but they affect animals. An animal can get wrapped in a plastic bag or get harmed by one. They sometimes mistaken plastic bags for food and they choke and die. I researched about plastic bags because I was interested in their other affects and I found out that they can spoil the landscape and ruin harvests and farming. It takes 1,000 years or more for a plastic bag to break down. For these reasons, I agree with the statement "You should avoid using plastic bags."

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Color Poem

We layed their looking up at the sky
I dreamed of us sailing down the river together
And catching fish on his fathers navy(color) boat
I grabbed his hand which was cold like ice
I could feel little rain drops falling on my face
His aqua jacket was soaked with water
I turned to him and looked into his cobalt eyes
I smiled and then glanced at his jean pocket
I noticed a sapphire ring sticking out
Then he reached into his jean pocket and pulled out the sapphire ring
He told me I was his bestfriend
I closed my eyes, revealing my my teal eyeshadow
He smiled at me with his indigo braces showing
And I closed my eyes, felt the rain, and smiled back

Monday, September 26, 2011

Creative Writing Prompts

#7 Electricity is a recent discovery. Think of 12 things to do when there's no power
1 Look for a flashlight
2 Think about things and daydream
3 Look out your window to see if the whole neighborhood has power or not
4 Play with my hampster
5 Play hide and seek outside
6 Hang out by a fire and roast marshmallows
7 Talk to my brother or parents
8 Txt my friends on my phone
9 Listen to music on my I-Pod
10 Play games on my I-Pod
11 Get out glowsticks
12 Draw in my battery powered sketch book

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Fortune Blog

"Your Skills and Talents will be called on in unusual areas"
(116 Words)
When I opened my fortune and read it I thought to myself that everybody has talents. But I got stumped on the unusual area part. I thought long and hard about my unusual talents but my talents just seemed like they were from normal areas such as being athletic or artistic. I tried to think outside the box and I came up with a couple. For example, I enjoy designing over the web. I like programs that teach you how to measure and build things and put things together based on design and size. I'm very interested in interior design especially. I know how to put the right colors with the right textures and balance things out, which I guess you can say is an unusual area for a kid. Because I like sports and drawing I think it's unusual that I enjoy gardening. My family has a giant garden in our backyard with over seventy-five tomatoe plants and many other vegetables. The last talent that I have in an unusual area is that i'm good with old people. I like communicating with the elderly because they have more wisdom which is eventually spread. This year I'm going to get a job at the Beverwyk which is a home for the elderly. I am going to be a waitress there and clean dishes. But I'll still get to talk with the elderly. So maybe this fortune will come true. Maybe I will be a good waitress and be good with the elderly; one never knows.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Web Gallery Of Art

I chose a picture of stained glass. I chose this type of art because it reminds me of home. My parents love antiques and they love stained glass. In my house we have four stained glass windows. Most of them are of Jesus or refer to religious things or people. We also have a picture of wine and fruit above a bar in our basement. My parents started buying stained glass becasue of the light and colors it brings to our house. Stained glass is also in my grandma's house. Thats when my mom fell in love with the art. My grandma's house has two stained glass windows. One of them looks like the picture above (which is another reason why I picked this picture). The other is a picture of a buddah. The picture above shows scenes of the Old Testament and my grandma likes things like that. She likes it when stained glass tells a story or has a story behind it. I believe everything has a story behind it, especially art.

ARCIMBOLDO, GiuseppeScenes from the Old Testament (detail)
Stained glass window
Cathedral, Milan

Monday, September 19, 2011

Letter Blog (K)

King of Queens is my dads favorite show. Kevin james is one of the main characters and he is hularious! Kevin plays Doug who is a mailman married to Carrie in the show. Keeping up with the Kardashians is my favorite TV show. Khloe and Kim are my favorite out of the whole family. Kris Genner who is married to Bruce is another one of my favorites. Kris is always getting pranked and she always has drama to stir up in the Kardashian household. Kate Plus 8 is my moms favorite show. Kate has been taking her kids around the world to go on many adcventures and so my mom likes to watch where they go. Kate once took the kids to Australia to see animals. Koala bears were one of the animals shown in Australia. Kenan and Kel used to be my brothers favorite television show but it got canceled after a couple years. Kenan and Kel are comedians who did random mini scenes where they would act and fool around.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


When you fall off the ledge
You feel
You cant see anything but darkness
Your being sucked into a black hole
And you gasp for air but cant seem to take a breath
Goosebumps grow out of your flesh
And your body turns white as you fall
Your bones turn to water
And before you know it your body is a complete mesh
And your haert skips a beat
The pain so excruciating your body turns numb
And then it stops

And your surroundings fill with color
And you obtain your breath
And your heart starts beating normal
As the goosbumps fade away
And your bones feel normal again
And you realize your at the bottom of the ledge

Monday, September 12, 2011

Ten Things About Kylee

1. I love to play sports. I play basketball, soccer, track, and softball.
2.Im very adventurous and I like to try new things. One thing ive done recently was wave running which was very fun.
3.I am a movie fanatic. I love watching movies with my family and in my free time.
4.I love music. My favorite type of music is rap or rock. I also used to play the clarinet. I started it because my grandma plays it too and used to be in a band.
5.My favorite types of books are mysteries because they are exciting and are always exhilarating.
6.I am very artistic. I love to paint and draw in my free time.
7.I enjoy riding my bike and fishing with my family.
8.I am getting a job at The Beverwyk which is a retirement?home for the elderly.
9.I have a pet Hampster named peanut
10.I love to bake! My mom and I make really yummy cakes.