Tuesday, October 18, 2011

TU Tuesday


This article is about how a couple of  high school students named Vincent Uzzo, Chad Sandercox, Robert jacon, and Patrick Chamberlain took part in a bad fight and beat students from an opposing high school. All three boys attend troy High Scool and pleaded not guilty. After going to court the judge told Vincent Uzzo that he should be ashamed of what he did because it puts a bad reoputation on his school. Uzzo beat a kid with a tree branch. "LeRoux suffered a concussion and Marchese suffered a broken jaw after getting hit with the tree branch." The boys beat up students from Catholic Central high School. The two main victims were Anthony M. Marchese, 18, and jack LeRoux, 17, who both were put in the hospital after the event. The fight started because one student from Troy named Robert Jacon offered Vincent Uzzo twenty dollars to hit the student. "Did someone in the crowd offer you $20 to hit him?" Rensselaer County Judge Robert Jacon asked, Uzzo nodded his head and said "yes." I thought that the punishment recieved was actually fair.
"Uzzo pleaded guilty to second-degree attempted gang assault and will be sentenced to 90 days in jail and five years probation." The article said, "Uzzo will serve the time during the summer break, Jacon said, reminding him that he must not violate probation or he could face 2 1/3 to 7 years in state prison." I think that by giving him a punishment such as that it is teaching him that not only was it wrong but its a crime, even for a student his age. Usually when kids bully other kids in school the consequence is limited to a suspension or being expelled. It gives me a good feeling to know that those kids were punished for their actions. I think it affects me because I often see my brother getting bullied and our school doesnt take car of it. because kids dont want to be the stool pigioen and tell the principal or a teacher. Vincent Uzzo wasnt the only one who got in trouble for the event.  "Stephaun Grinage, 18, and Patrick Chamberlain,17, each pleaded guilty to the same charge. They faces a sentences of five years probation. Grinage also was sentenced to 20 days on the sheriff's work order program." After reading this article I began to have many questions:
1. Did the boys from Catholic Central High School fight back?
2. Did any of the students from Troy get hurt or injured?
3. Did the students have anything on each other or already have tension between one another?
4. Do the students who did it regret what they did or see that they were wrong?
5. How did the school react to such a horendous event?

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