Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Vintage Photo

Here for your consideration is an aesthetic picture of a Hupa Mother and Baby in a Three-quarter Length Portrait. It was created in 1923 by Edward S. Curtis.

The photograph presents a touching image of this Mother and Child. There is a look of pride in this woman's eye as she gazes at this child.



I chose this picture because it made me think a little. I was amazed at how back in the 1920's the skill they had and the things they made are so amazing. It shocked me when I thought to myself that a woman hand wove that baby basket and didn't just go to a convenient store like us to buy one. Back then they didn't have much and they used everything they had around them, especially the Indians. Just by looking at the mother's hat I can tell that she made that too. I don't see any flaws in stitching which is very amazing to me. Everything from her babys basket to her necklace and clothes all look like their hand made. I think to myself how long did it take to make a baby's basket? So I fulfilled my curiosity by looking up the answer. I found that there is no exact time because everyone has different skills but I found that they used pine needles to weave twigs and other materials found. Imagine taking a pine needle and trying to weave a basket with it. It seems crazy to me. I also chose this picture because it made me feel fuzzy inside. The look the mom is giving to her daughter reminds me of my mother and I.

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