Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Good time to pine for a cone

When we talk "pine" cones, it includes them all and today that's just what we are gabbing about ... conifer, aka, "pine" cones.
conifer- is a plant that bears cones                             Gabbing- talking or chatting
nature's exceptions of the tamarack and larch in our area, which loose their needles in autumn.
larch- Any confirious tree of the genus Larix,yielding a tough durable wood.
Tamarack- an American larch, Larix laricina,of the pine family, having a reddish bark and crowded clusters of blue-green needles and yielding a useful timber.
 A conifer is classified as monoecious
monoecious- means it has separate male and female flowers on the same plant
powdery haze that coated your car
haze- obscure                 coated-covered
Other opportunities for dispersal involve small animals, such as squirrels and chipmunks, who by gnawing on the cones
dispersal- spreading              gnawing-to bite or chew
This article talks about pine cones and their origin. It also explains how there are a lot of them this season and it tells you a bunch of ways you can decorate things with them and that pine cones can be cooked. It also talks about how pine cones are formed and what trees they come from. This is a very interesting article that explains pine cones and how animals need them. I learned that in a certain area pine cones can weigh up to ten pounds! In Oregon they can go up to 24 inches long! Thats huge for a pine cone.I learned that the pieces of pine cones are actually seeds and if you cook them you can eat it. I also learned that there are male and female flowers and plants. Each one produces/has different qualities. The last thing I learned was that there are over 500 types of pine cones. They all look the same to me but really they are all different. It's interesting to learn about nature and the world. I think the tone of this piece is calm and nature. The author says that pinecones are, "one of autumns trademarks." The article is peaceful and talks about how, "the blowing wind moves pollen through the air." Nature is our home and is a very peaceful place to not only animals but us as well.

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