Wednesday, December 14, 2011


  The lights appeared out of the darkness. They were in fact looking for me. This was my only chance for survival. I had to escape. I ran as fast as I could to the door. I couldn't hear anything but my helpless panting and heart beating. The hallway was long and narrow, like a never ending maze. I ran as if I were in a marathon and that my life depended on getting to the finish line. But my life did depend on this. I was running from my capturer's and they were chasing me. It was dark all around me. All I could see were their flashlights and the big, bright, red letters on top of the door at the end reading EXIT. I had to think fast. I thought to myself after all those years of watching Murderers on T.V who would of thought I would be the one running? Running to meet my friends, my family, running to save myself from the lights chasing me. But as my footsteps thumped on the hard tile ground I could hear the other footsteps getting closer. They were closing in on me. Then out of my peripheral view I saw two more lights appear out of the darkness in front of me. I was trapped. There was no way out. My arms grew goosbumps as I stopped running. My legs felt like noodles as I layed on the floor helplessly. I thought to myself, was this the end? I brought my hands up to my face to cover my eyes from the horror. As I pulled them up I felt something beneath me. It was a door. My eyes widened like a deer in front of headlights. I grasped the handle carefully not knowing what was beneath. I imagined it was a portal to my family. But I was no where near that. I took a deep breath as the lights came toward me. My ice cold hands trembled as i gingerly opened the vault of wonders....

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