Tuesday, November 1, 2011


I chose this article because it wasn’t your typical story. It’s not about a burglary or a shooting. It’s about a man named Chad Brothers who gets very angry at the gym and starts to be destructive and harm others. "
An officer was called to the Troy-Schenectady Road gym. Meanwhile, Brothers, who police described as 6 feet 1, about 230 pounds and very muscular, pushed over several universal weight machines, each weighing about 700 pounds. Brothers destroyed a display case and threw 45-pound dumbbells." Now this is just crazy. If this man was so angry he could have punched a punching bag a couple of times. But throwing 700 pound equipment across the room is just absurd. Eventually, "A female police officer arrived and ordered Brothers to stand down, but Brothers threw boxes at her. She discharged a Taser at him, which latched to his chest and upper leg, Heider said. The Taser brought Brothers to the ground ,and as the officer was putting him in handcuffs, Heider said, Brothers stood up with the officer on his back." It took three more tasers to take down the man. The guy is almost like an animal, running through the gym throwing things and punching people. The story gets worse form there because after police tazed the man 5 times he went into cardiac arrest. A single shock from a Taser can contain up to 50,000 volts of electricity.
"The officers and a gym patron -- an off-duty firefighter -- began CPR and attached a defibrillator before the arrival of emergency medical personnel, Heider said. Brothers was still breathing and alive, so the defibrillator did not administer a shock, he said. Brothers was pronounced dead when he arrived at 7:14 a.m. Now either this guy waited too long for an elliptical or he was obviously on self enhanced drugs.
I thought this was very interesting and it shocked me to see what drugs can do to us. It's amazing to see what our body can do when drugs take over. Right now the police officers are being questioned because the man died and people are questioning if they used too much force. But in my opinion if I had a giant man coming at me who had muscles the size of Texas I would do whatever it took to take him down without any more people getting hurt. I wouldn’t have used 5 tazer bullets, but I would have used force.

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