Saturday, September 24, 2011

Fortune Blog

"Your Skills and Talents will be called on in unusual areas"
(116 Words)
When I opened my fortune and read it I thought to myself that everybody has talents. But I got stumped on the unusual area part. I thought long and hard about my unusual talents but my talents just seemed like they were from normal areas such as being athletic or artistic. I tried to think outside the box and I came up with a couple. For example, I enjoy designing over the web. I like programs that teach you how to measure and build things and put things together based on design and size. I'm very interested in interior design especially. I know how to put the right colors with the right textures and balance things out, which I guess you can say is an unusual area for a kid. Because I like sports and drawing I think it's unusual that I enjoy gardening. My family has a giant garden in our backyard with over seventy-five tomatoe plants and many other vegetables. The last talent that I have in an unusual area is that i'm good with old people. I like communicating with the elderly because they have more wisdom which is eventually spread. This year I'm going to get a job at the Beverwyk which is a home for the elderly. I am going to be a waitress there and clean dishes. But I'll still get to talk with the elderly. So maybe this fortune will come true. Maybe I will be a good waitress and be good with the elderly; one never knows.

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