Thursday, January 5, 2012

"Hi-five yourself"

I chose the pep talk, "Hi-five yourself" because it was a little funny to me. I was curious on how you high five yourself...But I chose it because I think it relates to my life and maybe many others. We are often hard on ourslves and we put pressure on ourselves to get things done everyday. But sometimes we should/need to take the time to tell ourselves tht we did a good job, or "hi-five ourselves." We as humans have low self esteem and low confidence and when we do good deeds we often feel like we had to do them. I think it's important to let yourself know when you did something good or even something bad. I think the cough drop company put this line on their cough drop wrappers  because when we get sick with a cold and sore throat we push our bodies to go to work, school, and do evryday tasks and by saying "hi-five yourself" it makes you feel "better." Not better in the way that your not sick anymore but even just happy. I think they should add a saying, " A smile a day can keep the cold away."

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