Monday, April 2, 2012

Guest Speaker

Barbara seems like a unique writer and ive never seen any poems like hers before. I feel as if her poems are just journal entries with a pazaz. She just talks about her everyday activities and the problems she faces on a daily basis. She exlpains what shes doing for the day in a poem, "There's so many interesting ways to spend my time. Like washing last night's dishes, cleaning the toilet bowl or going to the dentist." She also writes her problems, "My poem is stuck in the Mac.  And I can't get it out." Barbara has a different writing style too. In her doll story she named her doll Rita Hayworth who is a dancer/ actress who is known for her vibrant red glossy locks that helped her find many roles in films. I don't know how old Barbara is but maybe when she was young she saw Rita and looked up to her or something. Barbara's story about the doll is very interesting and makes you think a little. Was this a story that actually happened? Or is the doll a symbol for something? But whatever it is, the story had a point/message. In thye end Barbara says, "I’m disappointed that there was no big doll hospital as I had imagined.  Just one man who fixed broken dolls. I guess that was enough." I think what she's trying to say is that a little bit can go a long way and sometimes less is more.

My questions for Barbara are: What poets are your favorite? Or, What poets did you look up to?
Are you working on any stories or broadway pieces currently?
What is your favorite broadway show?
My comments:
I like how you include problems in your poems and make them relatable
I like how in your poems you write about your daily routine and the things that happen to you on a daily basis but you convert it into a poem and make it a very interesting type of poem.

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