Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Turn your Inkblot into a Butterfly

I missed my foul shot during a basketball game
I made us loose the game
           which was a huge mistake

It made me want to work twice as hard

So Instead of feeling sorry for myself I tried to turn something good out of something bad

I practiced basketball every day

Until I could make most of my foul shots

I worked on my form and balance and my technique

I took lessons from people
             I grew wings like a butterly and believed that I could make anything
                               And that I was ready

The next year the same thing happened to me
But because I prcaticed I was ready this time
I bent my knees and jumped into the air
My confidence was so high
And I made the basket
Making us win

The mistake helped me beacuse we won the Championship
It made we work harder in succeeding my goals.

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