Wednesday, April 25, 2012

TU Tuesday - Timely Connection

I chose this article beacuse im a germaphobe and I was curious to hear what this was all about. I also chose it because it seems like an interesting topic to blog about. The first lines, "A new germ-fighting device at Ellis Hospital looks like R2-D2 with a touch of E.T" really cought my eye. This story is relatable to not only me but in my opinion other people. Its the twenty first century and everyone is carrying hand sanitizer and being extremely careful and cautious, especially with all these viruses going around. Im not only speaking for myself when I say, hospitals are probably one of the most unsanitary places. Don't get me wrong, I know they clean and staralize things but the germs in the air and on the furniture is just insane. It's like walking into a building knowing in advance that your probably going to get sick. So when I saw this articles title, "With a zap, germs meet there match" I decided to chose this as my connection. This article explains how a man from Texas created this machine that supposivly looks like R2-D2 and what it does is it,"pulses ultraviolet C light into patient rooms to kill tough superbugs." While reading this article I came across an interesting statistic they provided. The article said, "About 1 in every 20 patients contracts an infection while in a hospital, and, nationwide, 98,000 people die each year from hospital-acquired infections." This is insane but yet it's something we should be aware of. I mean we couldn't possibly think that creating a place where sick people with crazy diseases and viruses stay was going to be "germ free." The reason I say it like that is because germs are evrywhere. They are probably on our skin right now. But this new high-tech machine created kills more than those tiny little germs and really does its job. If they weren't so expensive I bet alot of people would own one. I know I would! "Research has shown that standard disinfecting techniques don't kill every bacteria or virus left in a patient's room. Using a system like Bioquell, Xenex or a another UV light system called TruDefense can reduce the microbial load." This machine gives out the "hydrogen peroxide fog which decomposes bacteria and the remaining vapor breaks down into oxygen and water leaving the room clean and disinfected." Step by step our hospitals are trying to create a more healthy environment for us. This article connects to me and everyone in the world too. Most of us have started out in a hospital and most of us will end up there in the end. The good and releaving part is, it's going to be much safer.

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