Monday, April 30, 2012

The Rich and Famous
Favorite Actor: Shia Labeouf

My favorite actor is Shia Labeouf. He has done many movies but my favorite one that he has done is Disturbia. It's my favorite because it's a mix of romance but horror and has that captivating plot that will give you goosebumps. I like him because he's not afraid to be himself and hes pretty dorky and very down to earth. Hes an amazing actor and I started watching him when I was a kid. Shia played on the Disney Channel show Even Stevens. The first ever real film he did was Holes. That's where his acting career started off. Ive seen the movie Holes around five times and have read the book too. Since then, Shia has starred in many films such as Transformers(not a fan of) and Indiana Jones. He's special because he has a unique sense of humor. He grew up doing stand-up comedy.
Favorite Actress: Abigail Breslin

My favorite actress has always been Abigail Breslin. My favorite movie that she has been in is My Sisters Keeper which made me cry ALOT. She did an amazing job in it and her good acting skills really showed. Shes special because she is one of the youngest actresses ever to be nominated for an Academy Award. I loved her films Nims Island and Rango. She started doing commercials when she was only three and made her first appearance in a film called Signs when she was only five! Signs was a box office success and brought in 408 million worlwide. It helped kick off her career. She is also known for her part in Little Miss Sunshine which she recieved many awards for.
 Favorite singer: Leona Lewis
My favorite singer is Leona Lewis. She has an amazing voice and has worked hard to get to where she is unlike many famous people. She is a british singer and songwriter which is special beacuse there aren't that many singers that write their own music these days. Leona became famous from the show The X Factor, created by Simon Cowell. She won the third series of the show and her career blasted. She is a multi-platinum selling artist and three-time Grammy Award nominee. She is most famous for her song Bleeding Love. My favorite songs by her are Happy and  Footprints in the Sand.  



Wednesday, April 25, 2012

TU Tuesday - Timely Connection

I chose this article beacuse im a germaphobe and I was curious to hear what this was all about. I also chose it because it seems like an interesting topic to blog about. The first lines, "A new germ-fighting device at Ellis Hospital looks like R2-D2 with a touch of E.T" really cought my eye. This story is relatable to not only me but in my opinion other people. Its the twenty first century and everyone is carrying hand sanitizer and being extremely careful and cautious, especially with all these viruses going around. Im not only speaking for myself when I say, hospitals are probably one of the most unsanitary places. Don't get me wrong, I know they clean and staralize things but the germs in the air and on the furniture is just insane. It's like walking into a building knowing in advance that your probably going to get sick. So when I saw this articles title, "With a zap, germs meet there match" I decided to chose this as my connection. This article explains how a man from Texas created this machine that supposivly looks like R2-D2 and what it does is it,"pulses ultraviolet C light into patient rooms to kill tough superbugs." While reading this article I came across an interesting statistic they provided. The article said, "About 1 in every 20 patients contracts an infection while in a hospital, and, nationwide, 98,000 people die each year from hospital-acquired infections." This is insane but yet it's something we should be aware of. I mean we couldn't possibly think that creating a place where sick people with crazy diseases and viruses stay was going to be "germ free." The reason I say it like that is because germs are evrywhere. They are probably on our skin right now. But this new high-tech machine created kills more than those tiny little germs and really does its job. If they weren't so expensive I bet alot of people would own one. I know I would! "Research has shown that standard disinfecting techniques don't kill every bacteria or virus left in a patient's room. Using a system like Bioquell, Xenex or a another UV light system called TruDefense can reduce the microbial load." This machine gives out the "hydrogen peroxide fog which decomposes bacteria and the remaining vapor breaks down into oxygen and water leaving the room clean and disinfected." Step by step our hospitals are trying to create a more healthy environment for us. This article connects to me and everyone in the world too. Most of us have started out in a hospital and most of us will end up there in the end. The good and releaving part is, it's going to be much safer.

Turn your Inkblot into a Butterfly

I missed my foul shot during a basketball game
I made us loose the game
           which was a huge mistake

It made me want to work twice as hard

So Instead of feeling sorry for myself I tried to turn something good out of something bad

I practiced basketball every day

Until I could make most of my foul shots

I worked on my form and balance and my technique

I took lessons from people
             I grew wings like a butterly and believed that I could make anything
                               And that I was ready

The next year the same thing happened to me
But because I prcaticed I was ready this time
I bent my knees and jumped into the air
My confidence was so high
And I made the basket
Making us win

The mistake helped me beacuse we won the Championship
It made we work harder in succeeding my goals.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Music is Life

Footprints in the Sand by Leona Lewis

You walked with me
When I was all alone
With so much unknown
Along the way
Then I heard you say

I promise you
I'm always there
When your heart is filled with sorrow
And despair
I'll carry you
When you need a friend
You'll find my footprints in the sand

I see my life
Flash across the sky
So many times have I
Been so afraid

And just when I
Have thought I'd lost my way
You gave me strength to carry on
Thats when I heard you say

I promise you
I'm always there
When your heart is filled with sorrow
And despair
I'll carry you
When you need a friend
You'll find my footprints in the sand

When I'm weary
Well, I know you've been there
And I can feel you when you say

I promise you (you)
I'm always there
When your heart is filled with sadness (when your heart)
And despair (and despair)
I'll carry you
When you need a friend (need a friend)
You'll find my footprints in the sand

(I promise you)
(I'm always there)
When your heart is full of sadness (sadness)
And despair (And despair)
I'll carry you (I'll carry you)
When you need a friend
You'll find my footprints in the sand

I chose this song because it reminds me of family. WhenI was little I used to see footprints and think people were following me. My grandmother passed away and I always thought it was her. This song has a lot of meaning to me and that's why I chose it. I chose the picture above because it reminds me of myself when I was little and the footprints I saw. The song represents that love is everywhere and it follows you in my opinion.  When your sad and you need someone there will always be someone following you thats there for you. My family is who would be following me.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Behind the Masterpieces

(Cafe Terrace At Night by Vincent Van Gogh)

This is my painting The Cafe Terrace At Night. What inspired me to paint this was this cafe in France. It's my favorite cafe in all of France and I think the colors and the livliness of it at night are just beautiful and amazing. To capture the presence of the cafe at night I drew the dark sky and stars and all of the streets of France with lights out. But I wanted the cafe to pop out when you see the painting so I made the cafe full of life and energy by using alot of bright colors. I wanted the name to be very simple and get my point across. I named my painting The Cafe Terrace At Night because that's exactly what it is. This is one of my well known pieces of art. It's known for its character and bright colors and how I show everything coming to life at the cafe at night.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Guest Speaker

Barbara seems like a unique writer and ive never seen any poems like hers before. I feel as if her poems are just journal entries with a pazaz. She just talks about her everyday activities and the problems she faces on a daily basis. She exlpains what shes doing for the day in a poem, "There's so many interesting ways to spend my time. Like washing last night's dishes, cleaning the toilet bowl or going to the dentist." She also writes her problems, "My poem is stuck in the Mac.  And I can't get it out." Barbara has a different writing style too. In her doll story she named her doll Rita Hayworth who is a dancer/ actress who is known for her vibrant red glossy locks that helped her find many roles in films. I don't know how old Barbara is but maybe when she was young she saw Rita and looked up to her or something. Barbara's story about the doll is very interesting and makes you think a little. Was this a story that actually happened? Or is the doll a symbol for something? But whatever it is, the story had a point/message. In thye end Barbara says, "I’m disappointed that there was no big doll hospital as I had imagined.  Just one man who fixed broken dolls. I guess that was enough." I think what she's trying to say is that a little bit can go a long way and sometimes less is more.

My questions for Barbara are: What poets are your favorite? Or, What poets did you look up to?
Are you working on any stories or broadway pieces currently?
What is your favorite broadway show?
My comments:
I like how you include problems in your poems and make them relatable
I like how in your poems you write about your daily routine and the things that happen to you on a daily basis but you convert it into a poem and make it a very interesting type of poem.