Tuesday, February 7, 2012


The article was about how the Japanese coastline turned into a disaster because of a earthquake and tsunami. In Japan they have a annual Imperial Palace poetry contest and "the theme for this year's reading of "tanka," or traditional five-line Japanese poems that date back to the shogun periods, was "shore." People wrote poems about the disaster and the effect it had on them and their loved ones and a couple of them were chosen to be read aloud in front of emperor Akihito and his family.
"Emperor Akihito, Empress , their two sons and other royalty in gowns sat silently inside a large room in the palace, as a choir of several men around a table read each of the 10 winning works in singsong, dragged-out tones." One of the poems said, "This reality, Feels so heavy on my shoulders."I think the theme is reality. All these people from Japan feel as if the earthquake was surreal and they can't believe it happened. The article is explaining reality and showing how people reacted to it.
5Hand in hand we can
7Make a difference in lives
5You need faith and hope
7That something good will come out
7Of this attrocious monster

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