Sunday, February 5, 2012


6. You see someone shoplifting in the neighborhood grocery.  Do you tell the owner?

I chose this one because I think it's a relevant problem. People steal evryday and there are people like us that witness this. It is our choice to act on it and tell someone such as the owner or to mind our own business and pretend like we never saw it. So my answer to the question "You see someone shoplifting in the neighborhood grocery.  Do you tell the owner?" is yes. It's the moral thing to do and I don't see what's wrong with doing the right thing. Unless you tell the owner that someones shoplifting and they really aren't. But if I saw someone in a grocery store sneaking food products or other items I would tell one of the staff members. I think alot of people wouold say no, they wouldn't tell because they don't want to be a stool pigeon and rat someone out but stealing is against the law and should be dealt with.

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