Friday, March 16, 2012


  • celebrate their similarities and differences, recognize the misinformation they have learned about various groups, including their own,
We did this activity where everyone chose a sterotype group they belonged to. Then with our group we wrote what we hate people assume about our stereotype, what we value, and how others can become allies to our group. To "celebrate" the differences we would raise our hand to show we are allies and then clap to provide support to the groups.
  • learn about and reevaluate personal attitudes and behaviors that are based on the impact of prejudice and discrimination,
There were speakers who volunteered to share their stories about how they've been dicriminated or judged in their life. They explained how they felt anger towards the people that had mistreated them and how they wanted to lash out on them but din't because of self restraint. It was interesting to see how people react to certain situations.
  • claim pride in their group identities,
In the begining of NCBI the speakers or volunteers would say "has anyone ever felt/ been through _____." Then people would stand if they belonged to any of those things and everyone would clap. The paper activity where we were assigned to groups and wrote what we valued in our group also showed pride.
  • understand the personal impact of discrimination through the telling of stories, and
  • learn hands-on tools for dealing effectively with offensive remarks and behaviors.
There were peoplethat volunteered to go up and sit with Mrs. Zeb and explain the problems they have gone through and how they tried to go to the principal or an adult and how it was uneffective.

Overall, I think NCBI was a great experience. I learned that everyone is equal no matter what and that we should not treat others with disrepect because it can be extremely hurtful and even cause a ripple effect and affect others around us. The stories that were shared were extremely powerful and full of reality. It made me realize that in reality people are bullied everyday and it causes pain to our loved ones. I think every student at GHS should attend NCBI because bullying needs to stop and the awareness needs to be brought to the attention of the students. I hope I can attend NCBI next year because it was alot of fun. I will take many things out of this experience and carry it throughout life. I will be an allie to everyone around me because step by step we can help put an end to bullying.

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