Monday, March 12, 2012

Bucket List

1. Going to Atlantis in the Bahamas- I've always wanted to go to Atlantis because I heard its very beautiful. It has white sand and really blue and clear waters which is paradise to me.

2. Go Scuba Diving- I think this is something on alot of peoples bucket list. It looks like a fun thing to do. It's amazing to see fish and the ocean floor up close and maybe actually touch it. Going scuba diving would be a fun adventure!

3. Learn how to dance- I am a horrible dancer! Im that kind of person that would start doing the sprinkler in front of everyone and make a fool out of myself. I would love to take lessons and learn how to dance before I die. Specifically I would like to learn Hip Hop and classical.

4. Learn how to play piano- Music has always been a huge part of my life. It comforts the soul in time of need and is so serine. I would love to take piano lessons before I die. I have always wanted to learn since I was seven but could never afford it or make the time.

5. Get/have a Dalmation or Jack Russell Terrior- These are my two favorite kinds of dogs. I've always been obsessed with 101 Dalmations the movie and I used to collect them when I was younger. My first birthday cake had dalmations all over it. My parents do not wish to have a dog or any pets because they are alot of work. So before I die I would like to own one in my lifetime.

6.Write a book- I love to write stories and use  my imagination. It would be hard to create a book but what good is life if there are no challenges? So my #6 on my bucket list is to write a book.

7. Learn how to surf- Before I die I would like to take surfing lessons. I boogie board and canoe and kayake and do pretty much everything in the water except for surfing. The only reason I haven't learned already is because my biggest fear are sharks! They terrify me to death! Soone day I would like to overcome my fear of sharks and learn how to surf.

8. Create/Design my dream home- This is a very important thing on my list. If I was ordering my list from the order I most want to achieve this would be #1. I love to construct and design things. When I'm older I want to be an architect or something thats creative. So if I get the money I would love to create/design my own house. I think it's something special to build something out of your mind and what you like.

9. Illustarte a childrens book- I love art and I love to sketch, paint and draw so something on my bucket list is to illustarte a childrens book. My drawing style is cartoonish so I think it would be fun.

10. Hold a koala bear in Australia- Koala bears are my favorite animals and if I were to hold one I would probably cry. They are so sweet and innocent creatures (unlike sharks) and are such beautiful animals that I would like to experience holding one.

I had to make an 11th one because this is something else I want to do before I die.
11. Save up my money and take my mom on a trip- My mom has always been there for me and is the best mom in the world. I would like to repay her one day by saving up my money and taking her on a trip to thank her for all that she does for me.

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