Thursday, March 29, 2012

10 things I would do if I won the lottery

10 things I would do if I won the lottery

Well It depends how much I won but if I won the Mega Millions then I would:

1. Buy a car for myself. I'm getting my permit and license soon so a new car would be great.
2. I would go to Atlantis. I have always wanted to go to Atlantis but couldn't afford it. It has been on my bucket list for such a long time.
3. Take my parents on a trip. If I won the lottery I would take them on a cruise or a trip to show them I am thankful for all they do.
4. I would pay for my college tuition and help my parents pay off bills and our house.
5. I would get a mega closet with everything I could think of inside. I mean who doesn't want a mega closet? It would be awesome.
6. I would buy a koala bar because I'm obsessed with them. They are my favorite animal in the world and if I could buy one that would literally make me cry.
7. I would donate some money to a charity to give to those that don't have alot and are living in harsh conditions.
8. I would buy tickets to go to a concert of my choice. Im not sure what concert but it would be cool to go to one and have front row seats and the whole package.
9.I would use that money to help me move to California because I want to live there when im older
10. Buy a house. I think it would be cool to be independent and when im older buy a house for myself.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

TU Tuesday - P of S
My words are:
Writer and Pregnant

Identify and correctly use patterns of word changes that indicate different meanings or parts of speech
(e.g Writer, wrote, writing, pregnant, pregnancy, impregnate)

My article was about a writer named Lauren Groff who talked about her third book coming out. Lauren explained how she got the inspiration and ideas for her story. While writing her book, "The Monsters of Templeton," she explained how being pregnant helped change her view of our world. Once Lauren got impregnated her and her husband were a couple that represented a kind of utopian relationship which is where she got the ideas for her book. During her pregnancy, Lauren faced hormonal changes. She says, "I felt like there was a lot of passivity and cynicism, and I didn't feel as if anybody was doing anything to change it. So the book started out from a sense of sadness and a sense that I needed to find hope and idealism." Lauren wrote about "a 5-year-old boy living with his parents in a utopian community called Arcadia in western New York. When Bit is 14, the commune begins to fall apart, and he must grapple with facing "the real world" outside."In the article Groff does a Q&A about being pregnant and writing her book which has gotten alot of good critisism and reviews.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Movies Can Do More Than Entertain

I have a netfliz accout (which I do not recommend getting) and have seen the movie The Crazies recently. The crazies is an american horror film where people who live in Iowa are infected with the "Trixie" virus. I am a huge horror film fan and I love a good scary movie. The crazies had alot of action in it. The main charcters were nomadic to stay away from the infected who turn into crazy killers, hence the name of the movie. There are multiple times where they go to houses and gas stations with infected people inside. When watching this movie I was sitting on the edge of my seat as the camera showed the clueless main characters walking into a building that seemed to me like a death trap. The director does a fantastic job and shoots the characters face and a infected in the background ready to kill. This movie is intense and packed with drama. I do not recommend this movie to poeple who don't like blood or people being killed. This movie wasn't really that scary though. My herat didn't race as it played it was just intense with a lot of drama. If I had to rate this movie 1-10 I would give it an 8. They did a great job!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

TU Tuesday - Presidential Speeches

“Speech to the Second Virginia Convention” by Patrick Henry (1775)

The Virginia Conventions were a series of five political meetings in the Colony of Virginia during the American Revolution. At the second convention, Patrick Henry proposed arming the Virginia militia and delivered his "Give me liberty or give me death" speech which made him a very well remembered delegate. Patrick Henry's speach inspired many other colonists to partake in the cause. Patrick Henrys speech is very powerful and moving and it helped lift the spirits of colonists. The strongest parts of Patrick Henrys speech to me are the opening and closing lines. The opening line, "No man thinks more highly than I do of the patriotism" shows how Henry supported Virginia and was a patriot and would do whatever it took to keep Virginia from falling to British crown. Patrick realized that there was no peace at this time, "Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace²but there is no peace. The war is actually begun!Our brethren are already in the field!" He basically was telling people that if they did nothing there would be no freedom. They needed to fight back against British rule to be free. Patrick Henry last line in his speech is the most memorable and moving of all. "I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!" Patrick was saying that if he cant live as a free man he doesn't want to live at all. This line from the speech had a huge impact on the colonists. Patrick believed in his colony, "Three millions of people, armed in the holy cause of liberty, and in such a country as that which we possess, are invincible by any force which our enemy can send against us" and was trying to convince people that the best thing to do was fight. I think Patrick Henry is an important figure in history and made a huge difference. He unified the colonists to stand against the superior ruler.

Friday, March 16, 2012


  • celebrate their similarities and differences, recognize the misinformation they have learned about various groups, including their own,
We did this activity where everyone chose a sterotype group they belonged to. Then with our group we wrote what we hate people assume about our stereotype, what we value, and how others can become allies to our group. To "celebrate" the differences we would raise our hand to show we are allies and then clap to provide support to the groups.
  • learn about and reevaluate personal attitudes and behaviors that are based on the impact of prejudice and discrimination,
There were speakers who volunteered to share their stories about how they've been dicriminated or judged in their life. They explained how they felt anger towards the people that had mistreated them and how they wanted to lash out on them but din't because of self restraint. It was interesting to see how people react to certain situations.
  • claim pride in their group identities,
In the begining of NCBI the speakers or volunteers would say "has anyone ever felt/ been through _____." Then people would stand if they belonged to any of those things and everyone would clap. The paper activity where we were assigned to groups and wrote what we valued in our group also showed pride.
  • understand the personal impact of discrimination through the telling of stories, and
  • learn hands-on tools for dealing effectively with offensive remarks and behaviors.
There were peoplethat volunteered to go up and sit with Mrs. Zeb and explain the problems they have gone through and how they tried to go to the principal or an adult and how it was uneffective.

Overall, I think NCBI was a great experience. I learned that everyone is equal no matter what and that we should not treat others with disrepect because it can be extremely hurtful and even cause a ripple effect and affect others around us. The stories that were shared were extremely powerful and full of reality. It made me realize that in reality people are bullied everyday and it causes pain to our loved ones. I think every student at GHS should attend NCBI because bullying needs to stop and the awareness needs to be brought to the attention of the students. I hope I can attend NCBI next year because it was alot of fun. I will take many things out of this experience and carry it throughout life. I will be an allie to everyone around me because step by step we can help put an end to bullying.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Irish Blog

(I didn't know how to make the background of the text green)

Monday, March 12, 2012

Bucket List

1. Going to Atlantis in the Bahamas- I've always wanted to go to Atlantis because I heard its very beautiful. It has white sand and really blue and clear waters which is paradise to me.

2. Go Scuba Diving- I think this is something on alot of peoples bucket list. It looks like a fun thing to do. It's amazing to see fish and the ocean floor up close and maybe actually touch it. Going scuba diving would be a fun adventure!

3. Learn how to dance- I am a horrible dancer! Im that kind of person that would start doing the sprinkler in front of everyone and make a fool out of myself. I would love to take lessons and learn how to dance before I die. Specifically I would like to learn Hip Hop and classical.

4. Learn how to play piano- Music has always been a huge part of my life. It comforts the soul in time of need and is so serine. I would love to take piano lessons before I die. I have always wanted to learn since I was seven but could never afford it or make the time.

5. Get/have a Dalmation or Jack Russell Terrior- These are my two favorite kinds of dogs. I've always been obsessed with 101 Dalmations the movie and I used to collect them when I was younger. My first birthday cake had dalmations all over it. My parents do not wish to have a dog or any pets because they are alot of work. So before I die I would like to own one in my lifetime.

6.Write a book- I love to write stories and use  my imagination. It would be hard to create a book but what good is life if there are no challenges? So my #6 on my bucket list is to write a book.

7. Learn how to surf- Before I die I would like to take surfing lessons. I boogie board and canoe and kayake and do pretty much everything in the water except for surfing. The only reason I haven't learned already is because my biggest fear are sharks! They terrify me to death! Soone day I would like to overcome my fear of sharks and learn how to surf.

8. Create/Design my dream home- This is a very important thing on my list. If I was ordering my list from the order I most want to achieve this would be #1. I love to construct and design things. When I'm older I want to be an architect or something thats creative. So if I get the money I would love to create/design my own house. I think it's something special to build something out of your mind and what you like.

9. Illustarte a childrens book- I love art and I love to sketch, paint and draw so something on my bucket list is to illustarte a childrens book. My drawing style is cartoonish so I think it would be fun.

10. Hold a koala bear in Australia- Koala bears are my favorite animals and if I were to hold one I would probably cry. They are so sweet and innocent creatures (unlike sharks) and are such beautiful animals that I would like to experience holding one.

I had to make an 11th one because this is something else I want to do before I die.
11. Save up my money and take my mom on a trip- My mom has always been there for me and is the best mom in the world. I would like to repay her one day by saving up my money and taking her on a trip to thank her for all that she does for me.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

TU Tuesday - Local

Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze in detail its development over the course of the text.
In Schenectady there are two men who are suspects of the murder of an 11-year-old boy and his brother. The trial ended yesterday when, "a potential juror told the judge he overheard a supporter of one of the defendants mention "taking out jurors," according to an attorney in the case." One of the men named Kody Pierce's lawyer responded by saying, "I don't think they were making realistic threats that they were going to hurt anyone." " The two men are charged with attempted murder, first-degree assault and second-degree criminal possession of a weapon." I think the main theme or central idea of the article is for one, murder. It is explained throughout the article. Also, the main point that the trial had to end and they have to find new jurors is a big central idea. "It was then that one of the potential jurors raised his hand and later revealed in chambers that a group of three males and a female had said something about "taking out jurors" as the potential jurors were lined up waiting to go through security, Gaylord said. Gaylord said he then made a motion for the judge to dismiss the entire panel. The judge agreed and all were sent home about 1:30 p.m." This is a crazy story and it concerns me that this occured localy. The theme starts out as murder but then switches/developes into threatening and loyalty. They had to figure out which jurors had been threatened and who would actually tell them. In the end they were dismissed and are now searching for new jurors.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Guest Speaker: Janine Cammarata

Poise: Mrs. Cammarata looked very comfortable speaking to our class. She didn't look nervous at all and in my opinion looked confident in her books and accomplishments. Some specific examples was when she was reading parts of her book out loud she was clear and steardy and looked very comfortable.
Clarity: I thought Mrs. Cammarata was very clear. When she read excerpts from her book she did it at an even pace so that it was easy to understand. For example, I thought that when answering questions she was answering them honestly and was not using big words to make ditractions.
Volume: She had just the right tone. From where I was sitting I could hear her perfectly which is important. Specifically when she was doing the create character activity I could still hear her even when people were shouting out answers or details.
Information: Mrs. Cammarata didn't include too much detail I think because she didn't want to give away anything important in her book. The information she did give was enough to make her book very enticing for me to read. I'm glad we got a copy. An example was she brought in pictures of what some of the warriors looked like in the book and read descriptions of the characters. I think that information helped her reach her key points.
Organization: She was very organized and her presentation flowed very nicely. She never went off on a tangent. Everything she brought up related to her book somehow. For example she brought up her son Nick and explained how he helped her with ideas for the second book.
I enjoyed having Mrs. Cammarata speak to our class. I thought our class asked many questions, was respectful, and got involved. I liked gettiong involved in the create character activity. It was a lot of fun! I think you should invite her back for next year because i think she did a good job and students will be appealed to her fantasy books. I would like you to invite more speakers to our class. It was alot of fun and really helps me find books im interested in.