Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Color Poem

We layed their looking up at the sky
I dreamed of us sailing down the river together
And catching fish on his fathers navy(color) boat
I grabbed his hand which was cold like ice
I could feel little rain drops falling on my face
His aqua jacket was soaked with water
I turned to him and looked into his cobalt eyes
I smiled and then glanced at his jean pocket
I noticed a sapphire ring sticking out
Then he reached into his jean pocket and pulled out the sapphire ring
He told me I was his bestfriend
I closed my eyes, revealing my my teal eyeshadow
He smiled at me with his indigo braces showing
And I closed my eyes, felt the rain, and smiled back

Monday, September 26, 2011

Creative Writing Prompts

#7 Electricity is a recent discovery. Think of 12 things to do when there's no power
1 Look for a flashlight
2 Think about things and daydream
3 Look out your window to see if the whole neighborhood has power or not
4 Play with my hampster
5 Play hide and seek outside
6 Hang out by a fire and roast marshmallows
7 Talk to my brother or parents
8 Txt my friends on my phone
9 Listen to music on my I-Pod
10 Play games on my I-Pod
11 Get out glowsticks
12 Draw in my battery powered sketch book

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Fortune Blog

"Your Skills and Talents will be called on in unusual areas"
(116 Words)
When I opened my fortune and read it I thought to myself that everybody has talents. But I got stumped on the unusual area part. I thought long and hard about my unusual talents but my talents just seemed like they were from normal areas such as being athletic or artistic. I tried to think outside the box and I came up with a couple. For example, I enjoy designing over the web. I like programs that teach you how to measure and build things and put things together based on design and size. I'm very interested in interior design especially. I know how to put the right colors with the right textures and balance things out, which I guess you can say is an unusual area for a kid. Because I like sports and drawing I think it's unusual that I enjoy gardening. My family has a giant garden in our backyard with over seventy-five tomatoe plants and many other vegetables. The last talent that I have in an unusual area is that i'm good with old people. I like communicating with the elderly because they have more wisdom which is eventually spread. This year I'm going to get a job at the Beverwyk which is a home for the elderly. I am going to be a waitress there and clean dishes. But I'll still get to talk with the elderly. So maybe this fortune will come true. Maybe I will be a good waitress and be good with the elderly; one never knows.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Web Gallery Of Art

I chose a picture of stained glass. I chose this type of art because it reminds me of home. My parents love antiques and they love stained glass. In my house we have four stained glass windows. Most of them are of Jesus or refer to religious things or people. We also have a picture of wine and fruit above a bar in our basement. My parents started buying stained glass becasue of the light and colors it brings to our house. Stained glass is also in my grandma's house. Thats when my mom fell in love with the art. My grandma's house has two stained glass windows. One of them looks like the picture above (which is another reason why I picked this picture). The other is a picture of a buddah. The picture above shows scenes of the Old Testament and my grandma likes things like that. She likes it when stained glass tells a story or has a story behind it. I believe everything has a story behind it, especially art.

ARCIMBOLDO, GiuseppeScenes from the Old Testament (detail)
Stained glass window
Cathedral, Milan

Monday, September 19, 2011

Letter Blog (K)

King of Queens is my dads favorite show. Kevin james is one of the main characters and he is hularious! Kevin plays Doug who is a mailman married to Carrie in the show. Keeping up with the Kardashians is my favorite TV show. Khloe and Kim are my favorite out of the whole family. Kris Genner who is married to Bruce is another one of my favorites. Kris is always getting pranked and she always has drama to stir up in the Kardashian household. Kate Plus 8 is my moms favorite show. Kate has been taking her kids around the world to go on many adcventures and so my mom likes to watch where they go. Kate once took the kids to Australia to see animals. Koala bears were one of the animals shown in Australia. Kenan and Kel used to be my brothers favorite television show but it got canceled after a couple years. Kenan and Kel are comedians who did random mini scenes where they would act and fool around.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


When you fall off the ledge
You feel
You cant see anything but darkness
Your being sucked into a black hole
And you gasp for air but cant seem to take a breath
Goosebumps grow out of your flesh
And your body turns white as you fall
Your bones turn to water
And before you know it your body is a complete mesh
And your haert skips a beat
The pain so excruciating your body turns numb
And then it stops

And your surroundings fill with color
And you obtain your breath
And your heart starts beating normal
As the goosbumps fade away
And your bones feel normal again
And you realize your at the bottom of the ledge

Monday, September 12, 2011

Ten Things About Kylee

1. I love to play sports. I play basketball, soccer, track, and softball.
2.Im very adventurous and I like to try new things. One thing ive done recently was wave running which was very fun.
3.I am a movie fanatic. I love watching movies with my family and in my free time.
4.I love music. My favorite type of music is rap or rock. I also used to play the clarinet. I started it because my grandma plays it too and used to be in a band.
5.My favorite types of books are mysteries because they are exciting and are always exhilarating.
6.I am very artistic. I love to paint and draw in my free time.
7.I enjoy riding my bike and fishing with my family.
8.I am getting a job at The Beverwyk which is a retirement?home for the elderly.
9.I have a pet Hampster named peanut
10.I love to bake! My mom and I make really yummy cakes.