Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Love to Know Slideshow

Essentials for a Happy Life

List 10 things that are essential for a happy life and describe why each item is important.

  1. Have Self Confidence- To live a happy life you need to have self confidence. You need to be comfortable in your own skin and be confident with who you are. Embrace your flaws and realize nobody's perfect. Sometimes we need to look beyond our imperfections.
  2. Find what you love to do- We all have hobbies and interests. People need to experiment in their lives and find out what they love to do. I enjoy painting and it's been very beneficial to my life. I can take the time to relax and be at peace and take a deeper look into life. The way we view things and interpret them. By finding what you love to do and doing it your making yourself happy and that sets yourself up for a happy life.
  3. Give Love- Love is a very strong thing. It's powerful and can make many people happy. We need to learn how to love everyone even our enemies. I mean lets face it, the ones that are mean and hurtful to us are probably the ones that need love the most. By loving everyone, whether you recieve it back or not sets up for a happy life with no karma to bite you in the ass.
  4. Help out others- When we do something good for someone or help someone out we naturally feel better about ourselves. By helping others out and brightening their day, we can brighten ours and live a happy life.
  5. Always have a positive attitude- Sometimes we look at the glass half empty instead of the glass half full. We look at the negative things and we get stressed out! To live a happy life we need to learn how to look at the positives and have a positive attitude. Instead of taking the time to think of the bad, take the time to look at the good. If there is no good, create something positive or remind yourself of something else in your life that is positive.
  6. Be Humble- Take the time to recognize the little things in life. Be thankful for what you have and what surrounds you. Whether its a fancy house, or just your family, it's important to see what you have. Never forget how lucky you are. By doing this and not being materialistic and full of yourself, you will have a happy life.
  7. Be Ambitious- You can't sit around and let life go day by day. You have to take charge and be ambitious. Tell yourself you can do anything and achieve anything. Anything is possible. Open up your opportunities for a successful and happy life.
  8. Surround yourself with family- This one is simple. Just surround yourself with the people that love you and make you happy. Family is the closest thing to you on earth so it's important to stay close and spend time with them.
  9. Don't Worry what other people think- Sometimes we get so caught up in fitting in and being "normal." But what is normal? Being far from normal is good. Don't watse your time worrying what others think of you. Dance in front of others, laugh as loud as you want, and dont be afraid to speak your mind. Laugh like nobodys watching. You create memories that will help your happy life and being who you are instead of wasting time trying to fix yourself for others will help you in the end.
  10. Laugh- laughing is a cure for almost everything. Take the time to find what makes you smile. Laugh off the pain and stress in your life. Sit down and watch a comedy, tell your bff an inside joke, or have your mom tell you funny stories about you when you were a baby. These things make me laugh and help me get one step forward to living a happy life.

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