Thursday, December 22, 2011


Breed Description The Norfolk Terrier, game and hardy, with expressive dropped ears, is one of the smallest of the working terriers.  It is active and compact, free-moving, with good substance and bone.  With it's natural, weather-resistant coat and short legs, it is a "perfect demon" in the field. This versatile, agreeable breed can go to ground, bolt a fox and tackle and dispatch other small vermin, working alone or with a pack.
Appearance/Size Average size of male:Ht: 9-10, Wt: 11-12. Average size of female:Ht: 9-10, Wt: 11-12Diet Norfolk terriers are not picky eaters. You can give them regular dof food. Avoid giving sweets because it can lead to sickness or even death. Norfolk Terriers have a good appetite but are small so dont eat alot.

Temperament -  Feisty, bold, inquisitive, game, scrappy, stubborn and independent, the Norfolk is all terrier. She has been called a "demon" in the field, and she loves to hunt, dig and investigate. She must be exercised in a safe area. SHe is clever and amiable but strong-willed.
Shedding Norfolk terriers have a double coat; a soft, downy undercoat and a hard top coat. Any double-coated dog sheds, but shedding can be minimized with proper grooming

Health/Allergies/Vaccines – Norfolk terriers are generally healthy. A good diet, proper weight, plenty of exercise, regular grooming and routine veterinary care should keep a Norfolk in good health. One of the reasons Norfolk terriers are fairly healthy breeds is years of concerned, responsible breeding. Conscientious breeders screen for mitral valve disease, patella, and CERF (eyes).

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


I picked this article because the story caught my eye. I always knew that cats could leap and jump high and land but eleven stories? Wow, this is amazing. One of the figurative language is imagery. I get an image in my head when I read, "A long-haired, 10-year-old house cat, Baxter had just moved into a downtown Seattle high-rise in early October, when his owners cracked open the windows without realizing there were no screens. The cat nudged a window open, stepped onto a ledge and fell." I know its not a pretty picture to invision but I pictured Baxster hopping on the ledge. Another example of figurative language is hyperbole. The sentence, "The latest famous feline to emerge is Baxter, a Seattle cat who fell from an 11th-story window, survived, and is now back to "running and jumping," says his owner. It is a hyperbole because no cat can fall from that high and then be running and jumping. The cat that actually fell was hospitalized. The third figurative language is cliches. The story has a cliche, "amazingly Baxter still has 8 lives after his plunge.." This goes with the cliche a cat has nine lives. The most obvious form of figurative language is personification, which is used through out the story. The author makes it seem like the cat Baxter is a human. Baxter even got an award for surviving such a huge fall.

Friday, December 16, 2011

137 Poetry Prompt

"Love Poem Number 137"
By: Kylee Nicklas
Poem For my dad

Everyday she waits for him
For him to walk through the door
For him to open his arms wide like a birds
And hug her until she can barely breath
As his stubble sharp like prickers rubs against her cheeks
She smiles and hugs him back
Taking in the scent of cologne

Everyday he works hard to support his family
He would do anything for his family
He would take a bullet for his daughter
And she would take one for him

Every day as the clock hits 5 the door flings open
One day there will be a new toy for her to play with
Another will be a souvenir he brought her from a business trip
And other days the hug will be the greatest present of all

He goes through so much and is yet so calm
People look at them and see the resemblence
They are like twins who do everything together
Shes the comedian of the family and hes her audience
The only one that laughs at her jokes

And when they go through a tough time
They have two shoulders for you to cry on
Gentle hands to sooth you
And a heart that radiates love

Love is the rope that holds them together
It can rip and tear
But it can never snap

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


  The lights appeared out of the darkness. They were in fact looking for me. This was my only chance for survival. I had to escape. I ran as fast as I could to the door. I couldn't hear anything but my helpless panting and heart beating. The hallway was long and narrow, like a never ending maze. I ran as if I were in a marathon and that my life depended on getting to the finish line. But my life did depend on this. I was running from my capturer's and they were chasing me. It was dark all around me. All I could see were their flashlights and the big, bright, red letters on top of the door at the end reading EXIT. I had to think fast. I thought to myself after all those years of watching Murderers on T.V who would of thought I would be the one running? Running to meet my friends, my family, running to save myself from the lights chasing me. But as my footsteps thumped on the hard tile ground I could hear the other footsteps getting closer. They were closing in on me. Then out of my peripheral view I saw two more lights appear out of the darkness in front of me. I was trapped. There was no way out. My arms grew goosbumps as I stopped running. My legs felt like noodles as I layed on the floor helplessly. I thought to myself, was this the end? I brought my hands up to my face to cover my eyes from the horror. As I pulled them up I felt something beneath me. It was a door. My eyes widened like a deer in front of headlights. I grasped the handle carefully not knowing what was beneath. I imagined it was a portal to my family. But I was no where near that. I took a deep breath as the lights came toward me. My ice cold hands trembled as i gingerly opened the vault of wonders....

My T-Shirt Vote

Thursday, December 8, 2011

M=Mexico City

I have always wanted to go to Mexico I think it's interesting to see their museums compared to ours and their architecture and their history. In Mexico City you can go on a tour that is six hours long and you can see alot of monuments and things in Mexico City. One of the places is the Mexico City Cathedralthat was created by Francisco Diez.You can also visit the Metropolitan Cathedral, the largest church in Latin America!
You can also
Stroll through Chapultepec Park and see its various attractions. It's very beautiful!
if your not into the outdoors and your a history buff you can visit the National Palace and the Museum of Anthropology.

Another place is the Basilica de Guadalupe: The second most visited Catholic site in the world, after the Vatican, is a gigantic complex that will help you understand more about Mexico’s culture, religion, and people!
Another good history place is the Chapultepec Castle: The Castle in Chapultepec is a great place to visit. It’s where Maximilian lived while he was emperor of Mexico.
The next stop in your visit can be Xochimilco – sort of like Mexico’s Venice, it’s a great place to experience traditional Mexico City.
The last place you can visit is The Zocalo. The Zocalo, one of the largest squares in the world, is the heart of Mexico City, built right over the center of the ancient Aztec city of Tenochtitlan. Aside from the awe-inspiring ruins, there are several terrific colonial buildings, including the Palacio National, and works by Diego Rivera.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


For pet-owners, holiday plans revolve around pets

I chose the editorial called, "For pet-owners, holiday plans revolve around pets." I chose this because I love animals and I was interested in the article. The point of view of animal lovers in this article is that Christmas is a time for not just family and friends but for pets! One lady in the article said she is going to take her dog to see the light displays!" Highlights for the 3-year-old cocker spaniel and his owner Carol Bryant, of Forty Fort, Pa., include a couple of car trips to look at light displays." This lady was basically telling the writer that her dog was going to have a huge Christmas with lots of presents and luxuries that we as hummans would do. "Dexter will host a party. His best friend, a golden cocker named Bailey, will host a party." She treats her dog almost as if it were an actual person. Carol Bryant, the speaker in the article claims that her dog loves being pampered and that he loves light shows! "He especially likes the animation and wags his tail!" Carol is so into her dog and his necessities that she has facebook pages and blogs and Christmas cards with her dog posing in different outfits. Carol told the writer, she "hung Dexter's personalized stocking with care. He'll spend Christmas Eve in pajamas and a bathrobe with ducks on it. He will look his brown-and-white best because of a holiday trip to the groomer, and he will dine on lean boiled turkey on Christmas Day." When people wonder how someone can spend so much on a dog Carol says, "It seems many pet owners have accepted that their pets are like children and they enjoy indulging their pet more than ever. It is easier for pet owners to spend on their pets than other relationships in their lives because pets have no expectations." I'm a huge petlover and would love to buy a dog toys and give it fancy food. But I'm not as extreme as Carol. I think her voice in the article speaks to those that do not have children and have pets that are basically their only companion or thier close friend. Carol speaks out about how Tiffany and co. is even starting to create dog lover jewelry and dog bone charms!


Sunday, December 4, 2011

Spiral Poetry Prompt - Write a poem about something that "spirals"- Tornado

Gushing wind blowing around and around
Eyes widening as it comes toward you
The roots of trees cry as they leave the ground
Theres nothing but dust, debris, and destruction

It has no control
As it eats our homes, our businesses, and our state of mind
It leaves us dirty, with no food and water
No where to sleep at night
The destruction it leaves in our hearts
Knowing that our family is gone

The spiraling destruction that was sent from the sky
Cannot be stopped
Not even god can take it away
And after the destruction is done
We are left to pick up the pieces
And we have to realize that it was not a nightmare...
But reality