Saturday, June 2, 2012

Photo Prompts

If you had to do any board game in real life which would you choose?

If I had to do a board game in real life I would choose Candy Land. I think it would be fun to race people on a land with a bunch of candy. You could start at the begining with your friends and then go through the chocolate pond, through the candy caine fields, and the gumdrop moutains. Who doesnt like candy? Candy land would have every type of candy in the world and you could just walk through and eat it. The point of the game Candyland is to beat your oppenents and get to the end first. So maybe if this was real life, people could race through candyland and cant eat it and only the winner can go through and get candy. I think it would be fun. Its not very realistic but most board games arent.

If Candyland didnt work I would do Monopoly. They give you money in the beginning of the game so you wouldnt have to use your own! Then you could buy places and invest your money. The only bad part is if you get sent to jail or run out of money which usually happens to me when I play Monopoly because I'm terrible at it. But I think it would be fun to go around and buy different places and if someone lands on your property then they owe you money. I think that we should make a real life boardgame. Not Monopoly or Candyland but something really cool. They could put it in Disney World or some amusement park. I know I would go!

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